Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Back Under Africa Skies

 This respite hotel, respite from some 40+ hours of flying in a tuna can across half the planet, is smack dab in the middle of what may one day may be hotel row in Nairobi, but what is now a series of  a few new hotels, all in the old style of old England one supposes, a few just now being built and a pasture next door for some grazing cattle. The people are beautiful, formal (men in suits and ties, even the guard at the very simple gate of the hotel) women always in dresses. As an American abroad, in tee shirt and jeans, one feels a little out of place, in Saturday morning clean yard attire at a wedding...

It is night now, with day just breaking back home. Tomorrow to Kisumu, then home to Kabula, to friends not seen for 4 years, to a new adventure.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Back in Kenya

Happy day to all of you my friends, as this finds your pal at long last back in Kenya, after two full days of flying a real lot of hours, what a wonderful feeling to be back! It's 1:30 am here, lunchtime back home, and the adventure begins once again. The smells and smiling faces, the slow pace and warm hospitality, somehow in a very strange but visceral way, it sure feels like home...So with a lovely Tusker beer down the hatch (yes, as in the elephant variety), and a stow away bag of Longs wasabi peas, why, it's practically heaven on earth, except for the two day old clothes someone very close to yours truly needs to shed now. More to come!