Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Anglicans in Italy: Whowouldathunk?

Bon jour no faithful reader! As you can see below, there has been some traveling going on, with the highlights being the wonderful Sunday Mass at St George's in Venice, closely followed by a 2400 year old Roman arena in Verona (is that where Veronica got her name??) that hosted, just last night, are you ready for it? Sting! (For those not of a certain age, Sting was a very popular 1980s' singer....) Imagine an arena, that old, still hosting concerts!

Pretty sure this is Bishop Chang's old hang out shortly after he retired. Imagine, a chaplain at the only Anglican Church in Venice, where it's IMPOSSIBLE to get a bad meal!

 Of course the gondolas are still being rowed throughout the canals --- what a sight!

 St. Mark's Basilica is the Cathedral of the Roman Catholics here in Venice, a fabulous Byzantine style that is slightly more ornate than St. George's....The line to get in to look around? Oh, maybe a week long! 

The lovely town of Veneza, with so many red tiled roofs, a grand church in the midst of it all and a restaurant serving the world's finest Penne Alla Arabiatta....(spicy pasta)

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