Friday June
7, 2013
Hello again
intrepid reader! A week has passed with 2 micro businesses visited and talked
with at length under now not one but 2 mango trees – and why not – the days are
gorgeous, the breeze cool and the swapping of stories and cultures a delight.

Folks arrive as they might, some a little early, many quite late – they laugh about African time the same way we do about Hawaiian time.
Joyce and I
met with a government official who knows the bee hive uniform man in Bungoma,
and for about $50 we’ll get this group the where with all to harvest the honey
next week.
The gov’t guy
will come with us and train how to grab that honey, which, once done, should
lead to a long and profitable relationship with the bees.
I’ll do my
best to buy a jar and bring it home!
Medicinal you
Tonight I’m
planning to stargaze.
John, one of
the Indiana Univ. students here, suggests the schoolyard at night for a
magnificent view of the Milky Way.
Since there’s
no electricity to speak of in this entire corner of Kenya, it should be dark
enough for a great view....I just hope to be in and out before the bats come
out for dinner!
marks Tea’s 13th birthday, happy birthday sweetie!!
some of the folks:
Okay, now I see pictures!